
What is a Circled Game and How Does It Impact Your Wagers?

What is a Circled Game and How Does It Impact Your Wagers?

Posted on Thu, 27/04/2023

As an experienced sports bettor, I've come across the term "Circled Game" many times. It's an essential concept to understand if you want to make informed wagers. In this article, I'll share my ...

What is Clear (Poker Term) and Its Impact on the Game

What is Clear (Poker Term) and Its Impact on the Game

Posted on Thu, 27/04/2023

As a poker player, you probably have come across various terms and strategies in the game. One such term that might have caught your attention is "Clear." In this article, we will explore what is ...

What is Closed (Keno Term) and Its Impact on Your Game Strategy

What is Closed (Keno Term) and Its Impact on Your Game Strategy

Posted on Thu, 27/04/2023

Keno is a popular and entertaining casino game that has been around for centuries. Like any other game, understanding the rules, terminology, and strategies is crucial to increase your chances of ...

How the Closing Line Impacts Your Sports Betting Strategy

How the Closing Line Impacts Your Sports Betting Strategy

Posted on Thu, 27/04/2023

Sports betting has evolved into a sophisticated practice that requires bettors to have a deep understanding of various aspects of the game. One such critical aspect is the closing line, which plays ...

What is Cold in the Slots Terminology?

What is Cold in the Slots Terminology?

Posted on Thu, 27/04/2023

As a slots player, it's crucial to understand the terminology and jargon that players use to describe the games they're playing. One term that often comes up in conversations about slot machines is ...

What is Cold Call in the Game of Poker

What is Cold Call in the Game of Poker

Posted on Thu, 27/04/2023

Poker is a game of skill, strategy, and psychology, where players need to read their opponents and make calculated decisions based on the information available to them. One such decision is whether ...

Are Bookmakers Legally Obligated to Pay Out Winnings?

Are Bookmakers Legally Obligated to Pay Out Winnings?

Posted on Thu, 27/04/2023

This raises the question: Do bookmakers have to pay out by law? In this article, we will delve into the legal obligations of bookmakers, factors affecting their payout decisions, and how to protect ...

What is Cage in Craps Terminology?

What is Cage in Craps Terminology?

Posted on Thu, 27/04/2023

Understanding the Craps Table Layout Before you can dive into the intricacies of craps terminology, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the basic layout of the craps table. The craps table ...

Understanding 'What is Call' in Poker Terminology

Understanding 'What is Call' in Poker Terminology

Posted on Thu, 27/04/2023

What is 'Call' in poker? In poker, a call is a decision made by a player to match the current highest bet on the table. If a player decides to call, they must put an equal amount of chips into the ...

What is a Calling Station in Poker and How to Exploit It

What is a Calling Station in Poker and How to Exploit It

Posted on Thu, 27/04/2023

Introduction to Calling Stations in Poker In the world of poker, there are various types of players, each with their unique playing styles and strategies. Some players are aggressive, while others ...


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