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Defining "Roll" in casino terms

"Roll," in casino terminology, refers to the outcome of a dice throw in various casino games such as craps, sic bo, and others. When a player throws the dice, the numbers that appear on the top of the dice after they have come to a stop are considered the "roll." In some cases, the term can also be used to describe the act of throwing the dice itself.

The concept of "roll" is significant in casino games as it is the primary determinant of the game's outcome. The roll of the dice in a game like craps, for example, can decide whether a player wins or loses, based on the combination of numbers that appear on the dice. The outcome of the roll also determines the next course of action in many games, such as whether a new round begins or if the game continues with additional bets and throws.

The significance of "Roll" in casino games

The roll has a significant impact on casino games, as it is the primary element that decides the game's outcome. In games like craps or sic bo, the roll determines the winning bets and losing bets, as well as the payoffs for each bet. As such, understanding the concept of "roll" and how it relates to the game's rules is crucial for any casino enthusiast who wants to enjoy and excel in these games.

The roll also plays a crucial role in determining the house edge in various casino games involving dice. The house edge refers to the statistical advantage the casino has over the players in the long run. In games like craps, the house edge varies based on the type of bet placed and the specific roll outcome. This means that understanding the roll and its implications can help players make more informed decisions while placing bets, potentially improving their chances of winning.

How "Roll" affects gameplay and strategies

The roll has a direct impact on the gameplay and strategies employed by players in casino games involving dice. For instance, in craps, the roll determines whether the game continues or ends, and what bets are resolved. The outcome of the roll will often dictate the next steps a player takes, such as placing additional bets, waiting for the next roll, or cashing out their winnings.

In terms of strategy, understanding the roll and its potential outcomes is crucial for players who want to make informed decisions about their bets. For example, in craps, players can choose from a wide variety of bets, each with its own probability of winning based on the possible roll outcomes. By analyzing the roll probabilities and the payouts associated with each bet, players can develop strategies that minimize the house edge and improve their chances of winning.

Different casino games that use the term "Roll"

Several casino games use the term "roll" as a fundamental aspect of their gameplay. Some of the most popular ones include:

  1. Craps: One of the most famous casino games involving dice, craps revolves around the outcome of a roll. Players place bets on the outcome of a single roll or a series of rolls, with the roll determining the winning and losing bets.

  2. Sic Bo: A popular Asian casino game, sic bo is played with three dice. The roll determines the outcome of the game, with players placing bets on the total or specific combinations of numbers that appear on the dice.

  3. Hazard: An old English game that is considered a predecessor to craps, hazard also involves players betting on the outcome of a roll of two dice.

  4. Dice Poker: A poker variant played with dice, dice poker involves players rolling five dice to form poker hands. The roll determines the strength of each player's hand and the winner of each round.

Etiquette and rules surrounding "Roll" in casinos

When playing casino games involving dice, it's essential to follow proper etiquette and abide by the specific rules associated with rolls. Some general guidelines to keep in mind include:

  1. Handling the dice: In most casinos, players are only allowed to handle the dice with one hand. Additionally, the dice should remain within the table's confines at all times.

  2. Rolling the dice: When rolling the dice, players are usually required to hit the back wall of the table, ensuring a random outcome. A roll that does not hit the back wall may be deemed invalid by the casino.

  3. Placing bets: Players should place their bets before the roll, with betting typically not allowed once the dice are in motion.

  4. Respecting other players: It's crucial to be respectful and considerate of other players at the table. This includes not interfering with their bets, not commenting on their strategies or choices, and generally maintaining a positive and supportive atmosphere.

Roll-related superstitions and beliefs in casino culture

In the world of casinos, superstitions and beliefs surrounding rolls are not uncommon. Some players may attribute a "hot" or "cold" streak to the roll, believing that a series of favorable or unfavorable outcomes is indicative of a pattern or trend. While the roll's outcome is entirely random, these superstitions can add an element of excitement and intrigue to the gaming experience.

Some players may also have specific rituals or routines they perform before a roll, such as blowing on the dice, shaking them in a specific manner, or even talking to them. While these superstitions and rituals may not have any impact on the roll's outcome, they can provide a sense of control and comfort for the player.

Tips for mastering the concept of "Roll" for casino enthusiasts

For casino enthusiasts looking to master the concept of "roll," I recommend the following tips:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the rules: Before playing any casino game involving dice, it's essential to have a thorough understanding of the game's rules and how the roll affects the gameplay and outcomes.

  2. Study the probabilities: Understanding the probabilities associated with each roll outcome can help you make more informed decisions about your bets and develop strategies to improve your chances of winning.

  3. Practice: The more you play, the more familiar you will become with the concept of "roll" and how it impacts the games you're playing.

  4. Observe experienced players: Watching experienced players can provide valuable insights into the nuances of the roll and help you develop your skills and understanding of the concept.

Frequently asked questions about "Roll" in casino terminology

Q: What is a "natural" in casino terminology?

A: A "natural" refers to a roll outcome that results in an immediate win or loss in certain casino games. In craps, for example, a natural is a roll of 7 or 11 on the come-out roll, which results in an immediate win for pass line bets.

Q: What is a "point" in casino terminology?

A: A "point" is a term used in craps to describe the number established by the come-out roll. If the come-out roll is a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, that number becomes the point, and the game continues until the point is rolled again or a 7 is rolled.

Q: Can the roll outcome be influenced by the player?

A: While some players may believe they can influence the roll's outcome through various techniques or superstitions, the roll is ultimately determined by chance. The dice's random and unpredictable nature ensures that the roll outcome cannot be controlled or predicted with certainty.

Q: Are there any casino games that do not involve a roll?

A: Yes, many casino games do not involve a roll, such as card games like blackjack, poker, and baccarat, as well as roulette, slot machines, and others.


In conclusion, understanding the concept of "roll" is crucial for any casino enthusiast looking to enjoy and excel in casino games involving dice. The roll is the primary determinant of the game's outcome and plays a significant role in gameplay, strategy, and casino culture. By familiarizing yourself with the rules, probabilities, and etiquette associated with rolls, you can enhance your casino experience and improve your chances of success.