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What is Four Corners in the World of Bingo?

What is Four Corners in the World of Bingo?

What is Four Corners in Bingo?

The first question that needs to be addressed is, "what is Four Corners in the world of Bingo?" Simply put, Four Corners is a specific winning pattern featured in a variety of Bingo games. As the name suggests, this pattern requires players to cover the four corner squares of their Bingo card, with the numbers in these positions being called out by the game's announcer. In most cases, these corners consist of the first and last numbers in the top and bottom rows. For example, in a standard 75-ball Bingo game, the Four Corners pattern would require players to cover the squares containing the numbers B1, B5, O1, and O5.

It is important to note that the Four Corners pattern is just one of many possible winning patterns in Bingo. Other common patterns include the traditional straight line (either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally), T-shape, X-shape, and blackout (covering all squares). However, the Four Corners pattern offers a unique challenge for players and can often lead to more exciting gameplay.

The importance of Four Corners in Bingo gameplay

The Four Corners pattern holds a special place in the hearts of many Bingo enthusiasts, and there are several reasons why it is considered an essential element of the game.

Firstly, the Four Corners pattern adds an extra level of excitement to the game. Unlike other patterns that require players to cover a series of connected squares, the Four Corners pattern requires players to focus on four separate areas of their card. This means that as numbers are called out, the tension builds as players eagerly anticipate the next number that could potentially complete their pattern.

Secondly, the Four Corners pattern provides a unique challenge for players. Because the pattern requires players to cover specific squares on their card, it often takes longer to complete than other patterns, such as a straight line. This means that players need to be more strategic in their gameplay and pay close attention to the numbers that are being called out.

Finally, the Four Corners pattern is an excellent option for beginners who are still learning the ins and outs of the game. Because the pattern is relatively simple to understand and follow, it allows new players to focus on the basics of the game, such as marking their cards and listening to the announcer, without becoming overwhelmed by more complex patterns.

Strategies for winning with the Four Corners pattern

As with any Bingo game, there is no surefire way to guarantee a win when playing with the Four Corners pattern. However, there are several strategies that players can employ to increase their chances of success.

  1. Pay close attention to the numbers being called out: This may seem like an obvious tip, but it is especially important when playing with the Four Corners pattern. Because the pattern requires players to cover specific squares, it is essential to listen carefully to the announcer and ensure that you are marking your card accurately.

  2. Choose your cards wisely: When selecting your Bingo cards, look for cards that have a good spread of numbers in the corner positions. This will increase your chances of being able to complete the Four Corners pattern quickly.

  3. Be prepared to switch strategies: If you notice that the numbers being called out are not aligning with the corner positions on your card, be prepared to switch your focus to another pattern, such as a straight line or T-shape. This will increase your chances of winning and ensure that you are not wasting your time trying to complete an impossible pattern.

Variations of Four Corners in Bingo

While the traditional Four Corners pattern is the most well-known and widely played version, there are several variations that can add an extra layer of excitement to the game.

  1. Double Four Corners: In this variation, players must cover two sets of Four Corners on their card. This increases the challenge and requires players to be even more strategic in their gameplay.

  2. Four Corners Plus: This version of the game requires players to cover the Four Corners pattern, as well as an additional square in the center of their card. This adds an extra element of difficulty and can lead to more intense gameplay.

  3. Four Corners Blackout: In this variation, players must cover all squares on their card, in addition to the Four Corners pattern. This makes for a more challenging game and can lead to longer rounds, as players must cover all of their squares to win.

Online Bingo and Four Corners

As online Bingo has grown in popularity, so too has the Four Corners pattern. Many online Bingo sites now offer games that specifically feature the Four Corners pattern, allowing players to enjoy this challenging and exciting game from the comfort of their own homes.

The gameplay for online Four Corners Bingo is virtually identical to that of traditional Bingo, with players needing to cover the four corner squares on their digital cards. However, online Bingo offers several advantages over the traditional game. For example, players can often choose from a wider range of card designs and game types, and many online Bingo sites offer extra features such as chat rooms and mini-games to keep players entertained between rounds.

Additionally, online Bingo offers a more accessible and convenient way for players to enjoy the game, as they can play from virtually any location with an internet connection, and at any time that suits them.

Tips for mastering the Four Corners strategy

While there is no surefire way to guarantee success when playing with the Four Corners pattern, there are several tips that can help improve your chances of winning:

  1. Practice makes perfect: The more you play Four Corners Bingo, the more familiar you will become with the pattern and the strategies involved in the game. This will increase your chances of success, as you will be better equipped to anticipate which numbers you need to complete your pattern.

  2. Be patient: As mentioned earlier, the Four Corners pattern can often take longer to complete than other patterns, so it is essential to remain patient and not become frustrated if you do not win immediately.

  3. Stay focused: Because the Four Corners pattern requires players to concentrate on four separate areas of their card, it is crucial to remain focused throughout the game and not become distracted by other players or external factors.

Popular Bingo games featuring the Four Corners pattern

There are several popular Bingo games that regularly feature the Four Corners pattern, including:

  1. 75-ball Bingo: This is the most common form of Bingo played in North America and is often the game of choice for those looking to play the Four Corners pattern. In this game, players must cover the four corner squares on their 5x5 grid to win.

  2. 90-ball Bingo: While less common in North America, 90-ball Bingo is popular in the United Kingdom and Australia and can also be played with the Four Corners pattern. In this game, players must cover the four corner squares on their 3x9 grid to win.

  3. Online Bingo: As mentioned earlier, many online Bingo sites now offer games specifically designed around the Four Corners pattern. These games can be an excellent way to practice your Four Corners strategy and improve your chances of success in traditional Bingo games.


In conclusion, the Four Corners pattern is an exciting and challenging aspect of the game of Bingo, offering players a unique and engaging gameplay experience. Whether you are a seasoned Bingo enthusiast or a newcomer to the game, the Four Corners pattern is a must-try for anyone looking to add an extra layer of excitement to their gameplay. So, the next time you find yourself with a Bingo card in hand, why not give the Four Corners pattern a go and see if you can master this thrilling game?