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What is Eighty-Sixed (86'd) and Its Impact on Players

What is Eighty-Sixed (86'd) and Its Impact on Players

Introduction to Eighty-Sixed (86'd)

Before we dive into the specifics of what is Eighty-Sixed (86'd) in the casino context, let's first take a moment to understand what the term means in general. To be eighty-sixed is to be ejected, barred, or removed from a premises, usually as a result of undesirable behavior. It's a slang term that has been around since the early

20th century and has been used in various contexts, from bars and restaurants to social clubs and, of course, casinos.

In this article, we will focus on the casino context and explore the various reasons a player might be eighty-sixed, the impacts of being eighty-sixed, and how to avoid such a situation. So, let's dive in and learn more about this fascinating aspect of casino culture.

The Origin of the Term Eighty-Sixed (86'd)

The origins of the term "eighty-sixed" are somewhat murky, with several different theories as to where the phrase came from. One popular theory is that it originated during the Prohibition era in the United States. During this time, illegal speakeasies would often have to quickly shut down and clear out their patrons when they received word that law enforcement was on the way. The number "86" was supposedly used as a code to signal that it was time to leave, as it was a reference to the distance in feet (86 feet) that patrons needed to be from the establishment to avoid being arrested.

Another theory is that the term comes from the practice of using numerical codes in the restaurant industry. In this context, the number "86" was used to indicate that an item was no longer available or had been removed from the menu. Over time, this usage of "86" evolved to mean that a person was no longer welcome or had been removed from a premises.

Regardless of the true origin of the term, it's clear that being eighty-sixed is something that no one wants to experience, especially in the world of casinos.

Understanding Eighty-Sixed (86'd) in the Casino Context

In the context of a casino, being eighty-sixed means that a player has been asked to leave the premises and is no longer welcome to return. The reasons for this can vary widely, from cheating or attempting to cheat, to disruptive or aggressive behavior, to simply winning too much money and being seen as a threat to the casino's bottom line.

When a player is eighty-sixed, they may be escorted out of the casino by security personnel, and their personal information may be recorded to prevent them from returning. In some cases, a player who has been eighty-sixed from one casino may also find themselves unwelcome at other casinos that are part of the same network or that share information about banned individuals.

Reasons for a Player to be Eighty-Sixed (86'd)

As mentioned earlier, there are several reasons why a casino might decide to eighty-six a player. Some of the most common reasons include:

  1. Cheating or attempting to cheat: Casinos have strict rules and regulations in place to ensure fair play and to protect their interests. If a player is caught cheating or attempting to cheat, they will almost certainly be eighty-sixed.

  2. Disruptive or aggressive behavior: Casinos strive to maintain a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere for all guests. If a player becomes excessively loud, argumentative, or aggressive, they may be asked to leave and not return.

  3. Winning too much money: While it may seem counterintuitive, some casinos may choose to eighty-six a player who has been particularly successful at the gaming tables. This is usually done in cases where the player is suspected of using a strategy, such as card counting in blackjack, that gives them an unfair advantage over the house.

  4. Violating casino rules: Most casinos have a set of rules and guidelines that all patrons are expected to follow, such as dress codes or minimum age requirements. Violating these rules can result in a player being eighty-sixed.

  5. Connection to organized crime or other illegal activities: Casinos are required to adhere to strict anti-money laundering regulations and must be vigilant about preventing illegal activities from taking place on their premises. If a player is found to have connections to organized crime or is suspected of engaging in illegal activities, they may be eighty-sixed.

The Impact of Being Eighty-Sixed (86'd) on a Player's Casino Experience

Being eighty-sixed from a casino can have a significant impact on a player's casino experience. In addition to the embarrassment and inconvenience of being escorted out of the casino, a player who has been eighty-sixed may also find themselves banned from other casinos in the area or even nationwide. This can severely limit a player's options for future casino visits and may put a damper on their enjoyment of the casino gaming experience.

Furthermore, being eighty-sixed can damage a player's reputation within the casino community. Word of a player's banishment may spread among casino employees and other patrons, leading to a sense of stigma and exclusion. This can be particularly distressing for players who view casino gaming as a social activity and enjoy the camaraderie and community found within the casino environment.

Legal Implications of Being Eighty-Sixed (86'd)

In most jurisdictions, casinos have the legal right to refuse service to any individual without providing a specific reason. This means that a casino can eighty-six a player at their discretion, even if the player feels they have done nothing wrong.

That being said, there are some cases where a player may have legal grounds to challenge their banishment. For example, if a player can prove that they were eighty-sixed due to discrimination based on factors such as race, gender, or disability, they may be able to pursue legal action against the casino.

However, in most cases, the decision to eighty-six a player is within the casino's legal rights, and the player has little recourse but to accept the consequences and find alternative venues for their casino gaming pursuits.

Strategies to Avoid Being Eighty-Sixed (86'd)

While there is no foolproof way to avoid being eighty-sixed from a casino, there are some strategies that players can employ to minimize their chances of finding themselves in this unfortunate situation.

  1. Follow the rules: This may seem like a no-brainer, but obeying the casino's rules and guidelines is the most effective way to avoid being eighty-sixed. Be familiar with the rules of the games you're playing, adhere to dress codes, and respect the casino's policies on issues such as smoking and alcohol consumption.

  2. Maintain a low profile: If you're winning big or employing a strategy that could be perceived as giving you an unfair advantage, try to keep a low profile to avoid drawing attention to yourself. This might mean playing at less crowded tables, varying your betting patterns, or taking breaks between sessions.

  3. Be polite and respectful: Treating casino staff and other patrons with respect and courtesy can go a long way in avoiding conflicts that might lead to being eighty-sixed. Even if you feel frustrated or upset, try to maintain a calm and respectful demeanor.

  4. Know when to walk away: If you've been particularly successful at the tables, it might be a good idea to call it a night and walk away with your winnings. Pushing your luck or continuing to play when you're ahead can sometimes lead to unwanted scrutiny from casino staff.

How Casinos Handle Eighty-Sixed (86'd) Players

When a casino decides to eighty-six a player, the process is usually swift and efficient. Security personnel may be called in to escort the player from the premises, and the player's personal information may be recorded in order to enforce the ban. In some cases, this information may be shared with other casinos, either within the same network or through industry-wide databases.

Casinos typically have strict protocols in place to handle eighty-sixed players and to ensure that they do not return. This might include monitoring security footage, sharing photographs of banned individuals with staff, or even employing facial recognition technology to identify unwelcome patrons.

Famous Cases of Players Being Eighty-Sixed (86'd)

Throughout the history of casino gaming, there have been several high-profile cases of players being eighty-sixed. One of the most famous examples is the case of Ben Affleck, the Hollywood actor and director, who was reportedly eighty-sixed from the Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas in 2014 for allegedly counting cards at the blackjack table. While Affleck has never confirmed nor denied the allegations, the incident serves as a reminder that even the rich and famous can find themselves unwelcome at the casino under certain circumstances.

Another notable case involves the professional gambler and blackjack expert, Don Johnson, who was reportedly eighty-sixed from several Atlantic City casinos after winning millions of dollars at the blackjack tables. Johnson has been open about his use of advantage play techniques, such as card counting and shuffle tracking, which likely contributed to his banishment from these establishments.

Conclusion: Navigating the World of Casinos with the Knowledge of Eighty-Sixed (86'd)

In conclusion, understanding what is Eighty-Sixed (86'd) in the casino context and being aware of the reasons for it, the impacts it can have on a player, and strategies to avoid it can help you navigate the world of casino gaming with confidence and ease.

By adhering to the rules, maintaining a low profile, and treating casino staff and fellow patrons with respect, you can minimize your chances of being eighty-sixed and ensure that your casino experience remains enjoyable and hassle-free. And should you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being eighty-sixed, remember that there are always other casinos and gaming venues out there, so don't let one setback discourage you from pursuing your passion for casino gaming.