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What is Come Bet in Craps and How to Master It

What is Come Bet in Craps and How to Master It

Craps is an exciting and fast-paced casino game that has gained immense popularity over the years. The game offers a wide range of betting options, and one of the most important bets is the Come Bet. If you're new to Craps or have been playing for a while and want to learn more about this popular bet, you've come to the right place. In this extensive guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about the Come Bet in Craps, including the basics of the game, the difference between Come Bet and Pass Line Bet, advantages of using Come Bet, and tips to improve your success. Let's dive right in!

Introduction to Craps and Come Bet

Craps is a table game played with dice in which players wager on the outcome of a single roll or a series of rolls. The game's origins can be traced back to England and France, where it was known as hazard. Craps has evolved over the years and become a staple at casinos worldwide. It's a game of chance and strategy, with players having the option to place various bets depending on the roll of the dice.

The Come Bet is one of the most popular bets in Craps, as it offers a low house edge and a high probability of winning. It's a bet that can be placed after the shooter has established a point on the Pass Line Bet. The goal of the Come Bet is for the shooter to roll the same number as the Come Bet before rolling a 7.

Understanding the basics of Craps

Before diving into the intricacies of the Come Bet, it's essential to understand the basics of Craps. The game is played with two dice, and the shooter (the person who rolls the dice) is required to make a Pass Line Bet or a Don't Pass Line Bet. The shooter rolls the dice, and the outcome determines whether the Pass Line or Don't Pass Line bets win or lose.

The shooter's first roll is called the come-out roll, and if the outcome is 7 or 11, the Pass Line bets win, and the Don't Pass Line bets lose. If the result is 2, 3, or 12, the Pass Line bets lose, and the Don't Pass Line bets win. If any other number is rolled, that number becomes the point. The shooter continues to roll the dice until they roll the point again or roll a 7.

Now that you have a basic understanding of Craps let's dive into the Come Bet.

What is Come Bet in Craps?

The Come Bet is an additional bet that can be placed after the shooter has established a point. It's similar to the Pass Line Bet, but it's made after the point has been set. To place a Come Bet, you place your chips in the designated Come Bet area on the Craps table. The outcome of the next roll determines the result of your Come Bet.

If the shooter rolls a 7 or 11, your Come Bet wins. If they roll a 2, 3, or 12, your Come Bet loses. If any other number is rolled, that becomes the Come Point. For your Come Bet to win, the shooter must roll the Come Point again before rolling a 7.

The difference between Come Bet and Pass Line Bet

While the Come Bet and Pass Line Bet may seem similar, there are some key differences between the two. The primary difference between the two bets is when they can be placed. The Pass Line Bet is made before the come-out roll, while the Come Bet is placed after the point has been established.

Another difference is that the Come Bet can be made multiple times during a shooter's turn, while the Pass Line Bet can only be placed once per turn. This allows players to have multiple active bets on the table and increase their chances of winning.

Lastly, the odds for the Come Bet and Pass Line Bet are slightly different, with the Come Bet offering slightly better odds due to the additional opportunities to win.

Advantages of using Come Bet in Craps

There are several advantages to using the Come Bet in Craps, making it an attractive option for many players.

  1. Low house edge: The Come Bet offers one of the lowest house edges in Craps, making it a smart choice for players looking to maximize their chances of winning.
  2. Flexible betting option: The Come Bet can be placed multiple times during a shooter's turn, allowing players to have multiple active bets on the table.
  3. High probability of winning: The Come Bet has a high probability of winning, as it only loses if the shooter rolls a 2, 3, or 12.

How to place a Come Bet

Placing a Come Bet is simple and straightforward. Once the shooter has established a point, you can place your Come Bet by placing your chips in the designated Come Bet area on the Craps table. After placing your bet, the outcome of the next roll determines the result of your Come Bet.

If the shooter rolls a 7 or 11, your Come Bet wins. If they roll a 2, 3, or 12, your Come Bet loses. If any other number is rolled, that becomes the Come Point. For your Come Bet to win, the shooter must roll the Come Point again before rolling a 7.

Mastering Come Bet strategy

To become a master at using the Come Bet in Craps, it's essential to develop a solid strategy. Here are some tips to help you improve your Come Bet success:

  1. Start with a Pass Line Bet: Before placing a Come Bet, it's a good idea to start with a Pass Line Bet. This will give you a better understanding of the game's flow and help you determine the best time to place a Come Bet.
  2. Watch for hot shooters: Pay attention to the shooter's performance, and if they seem to be on a hot streak, consider placing a Come Bet to take advantage of their success.
  3. Use odds bets: After placing a Come Bet, you can also place an odds bet, which is a bet made in addition to your original Come Bet. Odds bets have no house edge and can increase your overall chances of winning.
  4. Set a funds limit: Establish a funds limit for yourself and stick to it. This will help you manage your funds and prevent you from overspending.

Tips for improving your Come Bet success

In addition to mastering a solid strategy, there are some tips you can follow to improve your Come Bet success:

  1. Practice: The more you play Craps, the better you'll become at understanding the game's nuances and making smart bets.
  2. Learn the odds: Familiarize yourself with the odds for each possible outcome in Craps. This will help you make informed decisions about when to place a Come Bet.
  3. Watch other players: Observe how experienced Craps players make their bets and learn from their strategies.

Common mistakes to avoid in Come Bet

To maximize your chances of success with the Come Bet, it's crucial to avoid making common mistakes. Here are some pitfalls to watch out for:

  1. Not understanding the game: Before placing a Come Bet, ensure you have a solid understanding of the Craps game and its rules.
  2. Over-betting: It's essential to manage your funds and avoid placing too many bets at once, as this can quickly deplete your funds.
  3. Ignoring the odds: Always consider the odds when placing a Come Bet, as this can significantly impact your chances of winning.

Conclusion and final thoughts on Come Bet in Craps

In conclusion, the Come Bet is an exciting and potentially lucrative bet in Craps that offers a low house edge and a high probability of winning. By understanding the basics of Craps, the difference between the Come Bet and Pass Line Bet, and mastering a solid strategy, you can significantly improve your chances of success.

Remember to practice, learn the odds, and watch other players to refine your skills further. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the thrilling game of Craps!