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Mastering the Art of Dice Control in Craps

Mastering the Art of Dice Control in Craps

Throwing dice in a game of craps is more than just a roll of luck. It's an art that, when mastered, can potentially shift the odds in your favor. In this guide, we'll delve into the exciting realm of dice setting and control, providing you with actionable insights to improve your game. Whether you're an aspiring craps player or a seasoned dice roller, this guide is sure to offer valuable tips to enhance your craps experience.

Understanding The Dice Control Theory

Before we delve into the techniques and strategies, it's imperative to understand the theory of dice control. Dice control, also known as dice setting, is a technique employed by skilled craps players to influence the outcome of the roll. By holding the dice in a certain way and throwing them with a specific motion, the theory suggests that players can control the dice to reduce the likelihood of unfavorable outcomes, particularly the dreaded number 7.

This theory, however, does not guarantee a win on every roll. No player can control the dice outcome on each roll. But with consistent practice and application of the right techniques, a player can potentially influence the dice outcome to a certain extent.

The Concept of Sevens to Rolls Ratio (SRR)

To measure the effectiveness of dice control, craps enthusiasts often use the concept of Sevens to Rolls Ratio (SRR). The SRR is the ratio of total rolls to the number of sevens rolled. In a purely random roll, the mathematical probability of a seven appearing is once in every six rolls, making the SRR 6.0.

However, with controlled throws, players aim to achieve an SRR greater than 6.0. Just one controlled throw out of every 43 rolls could eliminate the house edge and yield a break-even game. Therefore, tracking your rolls and calculating your SRR becomes a critical part of mastering dice control.

The Role of Dice Setting

One of the crucial components of dice control is dice setting. Dice setting refers to the way the dice are held and aligned before being thrown. The aim is to set the dice in a way that minimizes the chance of rolling a seven.

Hardway Set

One of the most popular dice settings among craps players, especially beginners, is the Hardway set. In a Hardway set, the dice are arranged in a way that the top numbers match and are hardway numbers (i.e., 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5). This set provides excellent visual feedback and is considered to offer the best protection against hitting a seven.

3-V Set

The 3-V set is another popular dice setting, particularly suitable for intermediate players. This set is known for its effectiveness in hitting sixes, eights, and inside numbers. The dice are set with the 3s face up in a "V" formation, providing a variety of favorable outcomes.

2-V Set

The 2-V set is ideal for hitting outside numbers, such as fours and tens. The dice are positioned with the two and two on the top. This setting can significantly influence the outcome if the shooter can keep the dice on axis, i.e., maintain the dice rotating together.

All 7 Set and Crossed Sixes

The All 7 Set is another beginner-friendly option. This set is suitable for the come-out roll and puts seven on top and the front faces of the dice. The Crossed Sixes set, suitable for advanced players, is excellent for come-out rolls and can quickly hit outside numbers.

Straight Sixes

The Straight Sixes set demands the shooter to roll the dice on the axis. If you position the dice so that six and one are on the left and right sides of the dice, you should not hit six or one if you execute an ideal roll on the axis. This strategy helps you reduce the chances of throwing a seven consisting of the numbers six or one.

Mastering the Dice Throw

Once the dice are correctly set, the next step is the actual throw. A good throw is one where the dice stay together, hit the table, bounce off the back wall, and land on the table. The key to achieving this is by developing a consistent, smooth delivery.

The Grip

The way you grip the dice can significantly influence your throw. One popular grip technique is the three-finger grip. Here, your middle finger and thumb hold the dice in place, while your index and ring fingers guide the dice down the table. The grip should be light and even, using your fingertips or the pads of your fingers.

The Throw

When throwing the dice, aim for a smooth, controlled throw. The dice must hit the back wall and roll down to the felt below. Avoid throwing the dice too forcefully, as this can cause them to scatter randomly. On the other hand, a weak throw can also be problematic.

The Bounce

The bounce of the dice is another crucial factor to consider. The goal is to get the dice to travel at a 45-degree angle so that they hit the tabletop solidly, with as much of the surface area of the dice as possible. This way, they lose most of their energy by the time they reach the back wall, bounce off, and come to an immediate rest.

Tips and Tricks for Successful Dice Control

While understanding the technique is essential, applying these insights in an actual game requires practice. Here are some tips to help you master the art of dice control:

Practice Soft Rolling

Soft rolling refers to gently throwing the dice to get specific numbers. Practicing this at home can significantly improve your dice control skills.

Maintain Proper Hygiene and Sobriety

Always ensure your hands are clean and dry before handling the dice. Avoid drinking excessively as it can impair your ability to control your dice roll.

Position Yourself Correctly

Your position at the table can influence your dice roll. It's recommended to stand square to the table, with your waist against the rail and shoulders parallel.

Don't Take Too Long to Shoot

Taking too long to shoot can disrupt the game's pace and annoy other players. Therefore, it's crucial to have a quick and fluid shooting routine.

Practice Makes Perfect

The controlled throwing of dice is a physical skill which requires hours of practice to master. It's not easy and some players never master it. But with consistent practice and the right techniques, you can significantly improve your game.


Mastering dice control in craps is not a guaranteed ticket to consistent wins, but it's a skill that can potentially reduce the house edge and increase your chances of success. With the right techniques, a lot of practice, and a clear understanding of the game, you too can master the art of dice control and elevate your craps game to a whole new level.

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